Wireless Finance Network
Wireless technology is enabling an explosion of new products and services for all sectors, whether business or personal, public or private. From programs running on handheld devices to methods of connecting different devices, the wireless world is opening new vistas in mobile media.

The companies creating these new products and services have the same needs as other startups: capital and connections. WirelessFinanceNETWORK can help find both. WirelessFinanceNETWORK is a joint undertaking of two established, respected firms: it creates one-stop shopping for emerging wireless and related technology companies wanting to access North American capital markets.

WirelessFinanceNETWORK works with companies that have a viable business idea, helping them come up with a financeable business model to interest investors. We then introduce the companies to capital market participants interested in the wireless industry. Along the way, WirelessFinanceNETWORK members can provide legal and other business services to help wireless companies grow.

WirelessFinanceNETWORK members are professional services firms with depth in the technology and wireless industries.

golwings - Wireless Finance Network Zarex Interactive - Wireless Finance Network